Oklahoma is on track to feel fewer earthquakes in 2017 compared to the past two years, and scientists credit technology for helping them research solutions.
The latest numbers show earthquakes in Oklahoma are on the decline. Experts believe that's due in large part to stricter regulations of waste water disposal. Now even more is being done to continue the effort.
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission has issued a new order limiting future increases in the volume of oil and natural gas wastewater injected into the ground in an effort to reduce the number of earthquakes in the state.
Oklahoma's unsettling seismicity is about to get some national exposure.
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission has announced its new plan to reduce earthquakes in the state.
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s (OCC) Oil and Gas Conservation Division (OGCD) is continuing to move forward in its response to the risk of triggered earthquakes in Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma Corporation Commission’s (OCC) Oil and Gas Conservation Division announced it is implementing the largest volume reduction plan yet for oil and gas disposal wells in western Oklahoma.